Thursday, October 17, 2013

For men only: How to get your wife to lose weight!

Andrewski says:October 16, 2013 at 11:19 am

You want your wife to lose weight, lead by example! NOTHING else will work in this VERY SENSITIVE topic. You can try to say loving things, but no matter what, your wife will NOT take it in the way you meant it.
Men, get off your posteriors and if you do no exercising now, start small and go for walks, then you can ask your honey bunny to come along.
The only area that I personally would discuss, would be how I feel so much better, and how I have more sexual stamina & how I’d love for her to feel that same way. When done right, sex is the best, but there’s no way out of shape & overweight couples are getting/giving their best when in between their sheets with their partner!
Good luck.

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